Have you supported a local fundraiser and thought I would like to raise money and help my favorite charity? But where do you start, is it something that you can do? The answer is yes, anything is possible. But to be a success you have to start with good planning and a lot of energy!
Motorcycle Fundraiser How to Get Started
· How well known is your charity, is it a non-profit?
· Is your local population large enough to draw from?
· Do you have a skill set for marketing?
· Are there funds to start the ball rolling?
· How good are you at approaching professional business people for help?
· Can you devote the time and energy to this event?
Discuss when the event will take place, keeping these factors in mind:
· Time of year : Rain or heat?
· Venue: Outdoor/Indoor, expense
· Food Available: Catering or Potluck
· Accounting, Federal/ State Regulations
· Insurance, liability
· Donations: Local/ National Sponsors
· Social Media Skills, “Free” or Paid Ads
Get Started
Once you decide yes I want to do this, start making the phone calls, texts, and emails to your closest friends, relatives, and co-workers. You cannot do it alone, no matter how good you are, or think you are. Start the planning early, one year is not too soon. Take a look at the past year, what events will be your competition? Do not hold it on major holidays or on dates for local, long standing events. It’s like starting a new business you have to get the word out and make people see the importance of coming to your cause.
After you have held your event make sure and thank your sponsors by sending thank you cards! This is a major mistake by many a fundraiser, they forget their supporters. Having contributed to many a charity event, the ones we love to contribute to year after year are the ones who appreciate our gifts and tell us so! Most of all have fun and know that you have helped those who need your support!
One local lady we admire is Dayle Mallory-Bell. She started the Brittney Ride in honor of her daughter who had passed away from cancer. She has raised a lot of money for St. Jude’s hospital. Check out her website: https://sites.google.com/site/brittneyride14/
The Throttle Rocker Team